Financial Inclusion, Foreign Direct Investment, Green Finance and Green Credit Effect on Iraq Manufacturing Companies Sustainable Economic Development: A Case on Static Panel Data


  • Mohammed Kadhim Hawash College of Administration and economics, Al-Farahidi university/Iraq
  • Musaab A. Taha Department of Accounting/Al-Hadba University College/Iraq
  • Ayad Abas Hasan college of media/ The Islamic university in Najaf, Iraq
  • Hassan Taher Braiber Accounting Department, Al-Mustaqbal University College, Babylon, Iraq
  • Rand Abd Al Mahdi Al-Nisour University College/ Iraq
  • Krar muhsin Thajil Mazaya University College/ Iraq
  • Ali Mudher Abdulbaqi Albakr Department of accounting/ Al-Esraa University College, Baghdad, Iraq


Green finance, green credit, sustainable development, textile, Iraq.


Due to the unpredictability of the climate, sustainable economic development has become a central concern, requiring scholars to pay close attention. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the influence of financial inclusion, foreign direct investment, green financing, and green credit on the sustainable economic development of Iraqi manufacturing firms. The secondary data was collected from 2005 until 2021. The research employed a quantitative methodology and longitudinal design. Statistical approaches are applied to panel data from a descriptive and inferential standpoint. The regression analysis results indicate that financial inclusion, foreign direct investment, green finance, and green credit have a favorable and significant impact on sustainable economic development (SED). All of these factors are crucial for enhancing the sustainability of the textile industry in Iraq. Therefore, this study was deemed a pioneer alongside these exogenous variables in the setting of Iraq, which may, in the future, become a new research field.


